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Sunday, November 28, 2010

WOW!!!! First Outdoor Cinema was wonderful event!!!!

Making this event successful, it's only the hard & supportive work of associates. On behalf of Tune-In, Thank you for each & every associate for their support & we assure to organize such wonderful cinema in a near future....... THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lucky draw among the contributors of Niuma film....

Winners of this luck draw were Shaheen ( Transport ), Mohd ( House keeping), Nizam ( House Keeping ) & Shaffaz ( F&B )

Niuma live on Sheraton Cinema..........

Cinema was opened by General Manager Ms. Ursula. More than 150 Associates has contributed for the film & they were presented to the cinema..... Without any issue film was started exact schedule time 10:00 PM. This first outdoor cinema & with this experience Tune - In will be looking forward to arrange second cinema show in a near future.... Stay tuned.......


Sunday, November 21, 2010

e-connect - Missing accessories!!!!!!

Hi All Associates, Greetings from Tune-In……, Please be informed from two days ago, two computers are out of order in e-connect. This is because one mouse has be being lost & one has being removed & thrown away (broken). Currently we are working to get this fixed as soon as possible. But here I would like to request all associates not to remove any accessories from e-connect as this is a place for associates & due to this kind of activities, it will be effecting only to associates. On the same day we also noted one computer was kept upside down!!!! Incase if there is any issue in e-connect, please inform to HR or Tune in which they will be happy to assist you all in fixing the issue. Also if any of you were aware of this missing item, please inform to HR as soon as possible. Therefore once again we would like to request all the associates to be more responsible on our e-connect as we just don’t work here, but we belong! Thank you for your understanding! =Maxhar, President=

It's Time For This Month Fishing Trip......

Let's Keep Our Lagoon Clean !!!!!!

Happy B'Day G.N.T.Kumar & Sameera from F&B


Happy B'day (Brightly-Culinary & Bandara-F & B )

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010