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Sunday, September 05, 2010


After a very special Ramazan B'fast Associates vs. Talented W talents played a friendly volleyball match in Associates Stadium started with cultural "dhandijehun" followed by David's speech supporting both W & Sheraton.
W Talents really enjoyed our star village and we shared lot's of things with our extended family Talents. We took them for show rounds and our new suits as well as the spa and other areas. Most of the time were spend in the lounge with other games as well. A special billiards match on a special request of Tune-in president Habeeb played against w-inner president Lirar. Maamaa played on behalf of Habba and won the game by 2 sets where Lirar said "well i don't want Habba and others to get a shock and witness my left hand aqua style and win while habba's side should win from the new billiards table, otherwise habba will stop playing ever" Also digu, hukun, Foosball were played and Associates won all even they got few "bagaas" The main event Volleyball match was really surprising, Our Associates thought it would be a very easy game with home advantage plus full squad. But as they say never underestimate your opponents and especially when it comes to Talented Talents don't ever underestimate them. Talents played very well, gave a huge fight and took the second set as well. The third set also they played well and our coach made some technical changes to make sure Associates win the game. Throughout the match our belong boduberu group were cheering both sides in a funky way with style. We all had fun and we all shared many things cos Life is easy when shared! 1st set - Sheraton Associates won by (25 -17) 2nd Set - W Talents won by (25-19) 3rd set - Sheraton Associates won by (25 -23) (STARWOOD MALDIVES WON) STARWOOD CARES!

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